Planning 2025 My Way #BlogchatterWrapParty

Before going into my planning for 2025, I want to summarize one thing: 2024 has been much better than I had planned and thought of. Hopefully, even 2025 will prove to be an enjoyable year for all. 

Personal Goals:

1. Travel More: 2024 was a fantastic year as we surpassed our travelling goals as a family. In the upcoming year, I want to travel more. This can occasionally be anywhere, even to Juhu Beach or Marine Drive, other than the long trips. Travelling allows us to spend quality time with family, which is my most important thing. Travelling broadens our perspective and vision. It will also help my daughter in her personal growth and development. 

2. Learn New Things: We are learning something new every day. Knowledge is power. I plan to take up driving lessons this year, which has been pending for many years. I also want to learn a new language, preferably German or French. I will research more for my blog and learn techniques and tools to improve it. Reading also forms a part of learning. So, I will definitely read books this time around. I also have plans to watch some quality content on OTTs and theatres. 

3. Taking Care of My Health: I am slightly laid back regarding my health matters. Next year, I plan to take things seriously and improve myself. Being disciplined regarding diet and exercise will surely be my no. 1 goal in this. Moreover, if I don't take care of my physical health, how will I get the strength to achieve the other goals in my bucket!

Creative Goals:

1Blogging Challenges: I am glad I could finish all the blogging challenges I had enrolled for this year. I plan to get into more blogging challenges in the upcoming year. Blogging helps me connect with fellow bloggers; nothing makes me happier. There was a time when I struggled to finish anything properly. But this time, I will surely succeed in completing all the challenges I take up. Also, thanks to the hosts of such interesting blog hops and challenges to create opportunities for bloggers to showcase their creative and imaginative side. 

2. Social and Cultural Activities: My participation in social and cultural activities was suitable last year. This year, I am planning to be more active in various activities. I am grateful to have the opportunity to do many activities where I live. It's a matter of my choice and my ability to manage time to participate in such fantastic events more often.  

3. Artwork: After a gap of almost 20 years, I started with a few artworks this year, along with my daughter. I would love to finish a few more such artworks. My daughter also gets more enthusiastic whenever she does any activity with me. This will be a fun time for both of us. 

These are my Personal and Creative goals for 2025. I will face many challenges in fulfilling all the plans successfully. However, having a supportive family by my side will make me fulfil all the goals the way that I have planned. 



  1. Travelling is part of my goals for 2025 too. I hope you're able to achieve all your goals. All the best!


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