Summarizing 2024 in 6S's with #BlogchatterWrapParty

I can't believe we are wrapping up the year 2024 in just a few days. Summarizing the year in just 6 words is quite challenging for me, as it is the most cherished year worth remembering after a long time. Still, I will fit the happenings in 6 words and elaborate further. 

6 S's of 2024

1. Self-Acceptance:  I had issues accepting things the way they were most of my life. This brought about a lot of unhappiness and dissatisfaction that almost drove me to the verge of depression. This year has been a year of acceptance for me. Earlier, I used to overthink other people's actions and reactions and often reacted impulsively to control the situation. However, this year, I have tried to accept things and people as they are without influencing the outcome. Having said so, of course, this is not from the point of view of hopelessness, but now I accept that not everyone will be on the same page as mine. Some people will differ from my ideas and ways, even my near and dear ones. 

Self-acceptance is also a considerable part of the whole process of acceptance. I have tried to identify and accept my inner shadows without being too harsh on myself. I have forgiven myself for the impulsive decisions that I had taken, for which I might have hurt a few people in the process. I have also accepted the fact that I cannot make everyone happy. No matter what I do, I will remain the villain in someone's story. So, instead of being pretentious, it's better to accept myself the way I am and be authentic. 

2. Socially Active: Again, the Gemini in me most of the time brings out my bipolar side to the surface. So, while sometimes people find me in the most friendly self, sometimes I keep myself totally aloof and almost in solitude. This year, I became more socially active and joined a few communities. I am thankful for where I live (IIT Bombay), where we have very active communities where like-minded people join hands for a common goal. 

Be it the Shakti Club (Women's Club of IIT Bombay) or Drama Groups for Kids, I tried to include myself in the social activities as much as possible this year. I must say, I have had a lot of fun in the process and looking forward to being more active the following year.

3. Self-Improvement: This has been a year of active self-reflection. This brought me to realise how much scope I have for self-improvement. Again, I took the initiative to conduct a "Story-Reading" Workshop with kids. This further raised my confidence in joining the Art & Culture Club and conducting a storytelling session for kids. Again, I am really grateful that we have easy access to clubs and communities where we can get the chance to learn and share what we have learned with others. And thanks to one such event, I walked the ramp again after many years. 

I have always been passionate about skincare and beauty, and I took up my certification course this year. I got certified as a Skincare Coach by the International Coaching Association. I have started to blog actively and am glad to rejoin my earlier blogging community. While I could improve at expressing myself more in person or on camera, writing is the best way to speak my heart out. Only writing through my blog and journal will help me be more expressive and authentic. Being my true self is a massive part of my self-improvement journey. 

4. Solace in Simplicity: There was a time, not long ago, when I used to find gratification in material comfort. Hoarding things almost took the form of passion that not only affected my finances but also affected my relationships. My self-reflecting journey made me realize how I can find peace and solace in the simplicity of life. 

Small things like playing with my daughter, making a meal for kids, reading a story or watching birds can bring moments of joy that no expensive wall decor can ever give. I enjoy observing nature and its gifts and try to be present in each moment. I finally realized that travel and being close to nature are unparalleled experiences. 

5. Spending Time with Family: The best part of my day is reading a story to my daughter every night before she sleeps. Since we hardly get time to spend together throughout the week, we wait for the weekends when the whole family visits the supermarket for grocery shopping. Sharing responsibilities and household chores have also helped us bond better. During our 17 years of marriage, we have observed that I am a great ideator while my husband is a great organizer. I am lazy, but he is always proactive. 

The combination of these differences can be pretty argumentative, but we have learned to look beyond that and come to a common goal of planning and executing the ideas fruitfully. I am glad my 9-year-old also actively takes part in these day-to-day activities. Travelling to Daman and Sikkim this year has also helped us fulfil our travel goals.

6. Self-Care: Like many people, I also used to have a very faulty notion about self-care; I used to believe that it meant taking care of my physical self only by exercising, sticking to a proper diet and taking care of my skin and outward beauty. However, I have made self-care integral to my life this year. 

Spending time learning something new, reading more books, going for a walk, etc., is an essential part of our self-care process for better mental health. Being present at every moment, taking life on a positive note, accepting failures, and practising gratefulness are necessary aspects of self-care. Even letting go of situations, people and things that do not serve and can instead destroy your peace is also essential for our own good. 

Having said so, I have yet to go a long way in this journey. It is just the beginning. 

This post is on the 1st prompt for the #BlogchatterWrapParty


  1. Those are some great words to close out the year. And a skin care certificate! That's so cool! It shows in the pictures 🙌


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