What I Saved on Instagram #WriteAPageADay

I seldom save anything other than some quick recipes that are easy to make. I just checked the saved folder and found out that there are a few of those, a couple of bucket list reels and only one of the IG posts about one of my movie Blog posts. I am still trying to find out why I saved it; mostly, it was by mistake. Anyway, whatever the reason is, the fact is it's there, and I am going to write about it.

So, the saved post is about an article called "Top 5 Most Entertaining Con-Movies." The picture being shown is that of the film " Ocean's 8", one of the 5 movies I had written about in the blog post. 

This is connected to the actual Ocean series; however, it's a completely different film with different characters. Most importantly, it's an all-women film, making it more interesting. Sandra Bullock is Debbie Ocean, the late Danny Ocean's sister. She is a con artist, too, and is released after a 5-year jail sentence. She comes out of jail, partnering with a few more women of her sort to perform a huge jewellery theft. The film is fast-paced and smart. We get some funny moments, too, and the ensemble cast never fails to slip the film out of its grip (despite a few very foolish and raw gigs).

This is what the film "Ocean's 8" is about. Did I like watching it? Well, somewhat, yes. Mainly because it is a women's film (so what if the women are con artists) and secondly, it has big names associated with it- 4 Oscar-winning actresses, Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne Hathaway, along with one of the biggest female pop sensations, Rihanna. Obviously, the interest was real for me. Having said so, as I mentioned in the description already, some of the sequences were too kiddish and had much scope for being smarter. Is it worth the watch? Of course, it is because of the wonderful performances of the leading actors. As a film, it is an okayish one-time watch, but you can skip it if you want something meaningful. 

This post is a part of #WriteAPageADay by Blogchatter


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