CV of a Professional DayDreamer #WriteAPageADay

Reubenna Dutta
Professional DayDreamer

Enthusiastic, motivated and dedicated  Daydreamer, handling her blog - an anecdote of her daydreaming responsibilities. Has been awarded several times for her skilfully daydreaming capabilities through her blogs. Eager to join a suitable profile that will open more scope to nurture her Daydreaming skills to work.

Prior Work Experience

  • Reading ample fairy tales and books about talking animals, vanishing ghosts, etc., since the time she could read
  • Watching whatever movies possible that came her way.
  • Spending too much time scrolling cell phone
  • Connecting with more people online than in real.
  • Embracing more of the make-believe online life than the real one.
Aspire to
  • Save the world being a superhero
  • Be a warrior like Beatrix from Kill Bill
  • Be as deadly as Catwoman
  • Be a Monk in a monastery
  • Romance Hrithik Roshan, Chris Hemsworth
Inspirations in Daydreaming
  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
  • Mungerilal Ke Haseen Sapne

Current Position
  • Grounded to reality but still daydreaming only through writing
  • Connecting more with people
  • Less time is spent on the cell phone and more on reading and writing.
  • Still daydreaming when reality hits too deep.
P.S. This is a work of fiction with no resemblance to the real world. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. 


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