Top 5 Quick Beauty Hacks #WriteAPageADay

Today being the last day of #WriteAPageADay, I am glad that I could reach my goal and immensely grateful to Blogchatter for giving us such a supportive platform for bloggers and writers and also to all the bloggers in this incredible blogging community who inspire each other to keep on doing what we love the most, i.e. writing. I have tried to write a piece daily based on the challenge prompts provided by Blogchatter. Today, with a slight change, I am writing about a few beauty hacks instead of life hacks. Top 5 Quick Beauty Hacks 1. Coconut/olive oil as a night moisturizer: If you are running out of your night cream and desperately need moisturization, your coconut or olive oil can be useful. Remember that 2 drops are enough for your entire face and neck. Both the oils have high moisturizing benefits. But make sure to cleanse it off the next morning. 2. Grapeseed/Argan oil for quick radiance: If you are about to wear a foundation that makes your skin look dry and patc...