I Meet I #WriteAPageADay

The giant wheel I was in seemed to have been running for ages. It was running so fast that my head started to spin. Generally, I am not a person who is scared of such rides. Unlike many other people, I don't scream or vent out any expression of fear, as I don't feel scared, but now I have started to feel a mass of unknown possibilities rising up my inside, something scary, something very bad. And it would not stop. I am not sure how long I was there, but I started to feel sick and was desperate to get down. But it would not stop. The people around me had seemed to vanish. I was shocked to find out that there were none I could see or seek help from. The wheel was running on its own- fast & furious. I was unsure of what would happen next. Was it the end!! My eyes closed.

I got up with a heavy head. I had been there inside the coup of the giant wheel. I got down on the platform. I could not see anyone around. All the other rides and shops that had been bursting with people were all empty. I was starving. I went to one of the fast-food shops and picked up a few meatballs. Immediately, an alarm started to ring loudly. And I saw two armed and masked people standing before me. They appeared out of nowhere. One of them announced, "Number 3515".  The other looked at me straight for a while. He suddenly fell on his knees, " Your Highness, you have to come with us to the Headquarters." The other one followed the same. I had no other option but to drop the meatballs. "I am very hungry; I have to eat something." my hunger was more severe than my nervousness and fear. " Your Highness, we are pleased to inform you that the grand royal feast is awaiting at the headquarters. " said one of them. 

I was led to a weird transport resembling a spaceship on wheels. It led us to a place full of tower-like monumental structures, which looked like huge structures of glass. Suddenly, I could feel our car lifting up like a helicopter. It stood still in the air in front of the topmost floor. The door opened by itself, and a glass ramp led me inside the tower. More masked people were inside, and they all bowed down as soon as I entered. I was unsure how to respond to this sudden royal treatment from unknown people. I was led to a place I had only imagined in my dreams. A garden of Paradise- colourful flowers blooming everywhere, birds chirping, a lovely pond with lotus in the centre, rabbits nibbling on carrots and cabbages. Where was I? 

There was a curved marble bench by the pond. I could see a lady dressed in a white robe sitting there, with her back towards me. "Hello, hope you had no troubles coming here?" she said sweetly, without turning towards me. "Yes, but I have a lot of questions." She laughed, " That's usual, not to worry, all your questions will be answered. But you must eat first." 

As soon as she said that, I could see a table with a grand menu one could only dream of, which was set in front of me. Without asking, I pulled a chair and started eating like I had not eaten in ages, forgetting about the lady. I had the best of everything to the fullest. She asked me, " Did you enjoy the meal?" " It is the best feast I have ever had." I declared. " May I know why and how am I here? And where am I?"

"You are here because you are supposed to be here. Just like you had been where you were supposed to be all your life. But now your life starts here. " I felt a pang of grief coiling around my throat. " What do you mean, I will be here? I have my own people, work, and life back home." I could not hide my frustration. " I understand, but your work there is done; you have served your purpose, and now you must understand your responsibilities in this place." "I can't do this. I suddenly can't leave my home and everyone who is my own. I have so much to do in life." I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. "Yes, you must do many things now, and I will tell you how to start."

"Who are you? And who has given you the right to tell me what to do?" I was furious. " You have."
She turned towards me now. She was wearing a tiara, and her robe touched the ground. She came towards me. I was shivering; what was I seeing! It was my own mirror reflection. She smiled at me, just like I do. " Get up. You have to take my place now. You have to run this place now, your very own place. It is yours from today." "And where will you go?" I asked. " Somewhere else, another "I" is waiting for me, just like I had been waiting for you."

This post is a part of #WriteAPageADay from Blogchatter.


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