5 Dumb Movies that are Secretly Clever

I have always avoided films like "Drunken Master" and other movies that begin and end with a fight. The same goes for mindless action films too. However, there are a few movies that I have watched that may seem incredibly foolish and dumb but if you manage to watch those you will realise they are quite clever. So, here is my list of 5 Dumb Movies that are Secretly Clever.

1. Tucker and Dale vs. Evil: When 2 worthless friends go for a vacation, their adventures turn into a disastrous misadventure and a massacre due to misunderstandings and unfortunate turn of events. This movie is gory, bloody and yet stupidly hilarious. The execution style is of a slapstick comedy with the chills and thrills of a gory slasher, making it a unique dark comedy. How some people's false assumptions about 2 people turn into a nightmare for both parties is the main story behind this goofy massacre.

2. One Cut of the Dead: In the beginning this film looks like a low-budget mindless zombie flick, just like the main character of the movie, who is a director, is shown to be making. But once the movie starts we get to see real zombies, and by the time the shoot ends and everyone dies, we get to see what's the true intention of this film and the movie's protagonist has been throughout the shoot. Frankly this handy-cam made indi-film is a rare clever film. Please do watch the original Japanese version, instead of the French remake Final Cut.

3. The Dictator: One may somewhat get misled by the low ratings, throughout the internet but some may end up liking it, just like I did. This film by Sacha Baron Cohen apparently seems to be a series of follies carried out by the lead character is a dark satire. The extremities appear to be irrational and the way the Dictator deals with everything to be extremely stupid. But its actually his unfiltered thoughts as a Dictator who is dead against democracy. This film had created quite a controversy at the time it was released. Nevertheless, its not completely as stupid as it looks like.

4. Unhuman: I wouldn't say it falls into the category of a good movie, but it is somehow watchable, just because of the novelty in its concept. While there was potential in this film, it loses its grip through the runtime. Anyhow, it's clever for the unique idea and falls flat due to poor execution and underwhelming performances. A group of students, including a bullied girl is attacked by some half-human, half-beast beings who are hungry for their lives. Whether they can trust each other is the question. 

5. Scary Movies Series: This was a time when teen slasher films like Scream and Urban Legend were a thing. Scary Movie is a spoof series of films of the most popular horror films of that era. While most of the scenes look like accidental copies of the horror films they have been taken from (Scream/The Ring/Haunted ), there's more to those. Most of these films are quite cleverly funny, barring the 5th one. One can watch these for pure entertainment, but if you are a horror movie fan, you may end up liking most of the films.

This blog post is part of ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla 
in collaboration with Dr. Preeti Chauhan.


  1. Interesting. Have heard only of The Dictator and Scary Movie. Not watched any of them.

  2. I haven't watched even one of these. Though I have heard about Dictator. So, I would like to begin with Dictator and Tucker and Dale vs. Evil.

  3. You certainly have watched a lot of movies. Not only that, you have managed to characterise and categorise them. Great work and a lot of patience. Many a time, we dont want to engage in an activity if we stop enjoying it. In your case that is not true. Good, Bad or Ugly, everyone has a rating.

  4. The Dictator has been recommended to me by many cinephiles. So has been the Scary Movie franchise. I wasn't aware of the other ones. By the way since we're on the topic, another one that could make it into this list is the South Indian flick Makkhi.

    1. I think I have heard about it. Will definitely watch. Thanks for reading.

  5. Well Rubeena I am not too fond of this type of movies as somehow a handful of English movies only attract me. But my one and only husband loves it madly and deeply. And I feel this post is ideal for him... forwarding him right away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Good to know he is fond of such films. Hope he find these interesting too. Thanks for reading.

  6. This list is so intriguing! I haven't actually watched any of these yet, though I’ve definitely heard of Scary Movie. It's fascinating to see how these "dumb" movies are actually cleverly layered, definitely makes me want to give a few of them a chance!

  7. This post totally changed my perspective on so-called 'dumb' movies! I’ve only seen Scary Movie from the list, but I never realized there might be clever layers beneath all the silliness. It's fascinating to think that humor can be used so skillfully to make these movies surprisingly smart. Definitely inspired to give a few more of them a try—thanks for the fresh take!

  8. I love this list! You’ve nailed it—these movies look absurd at first glance but are surprisingly clever beneath the surface. Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is such a brilliant take on misunderstandings, turning a classic horror setup into something hilarious. And One Cut of the Dead—what a gem! It’s amazing how something that appears like a cheap zombie flick actually becomes this clever, heartfelt story about filmmaking itself. It’s true that movies like these don’t get enough credit for their subtle wit and originality. Thanks for sharing; I’ll definitely be revisiting a few of these!

  9. Haven't seen any of them. But this list is quite comprehensive.

  10. Reubenna, I am salute your patience. That you endured dumb movies only to find that they were clever in the end. I usually don't have the patience after a while.

  11. I saw the Scary Movie series long back and agree that they aren't as dumb as they seem to be. Need to check others.

    1. Scary Movie, barring the 5th one were quite fun to watch. Thanks for reading

  12. That's a lovely list
    .I've watched the dictator and the scary movie.havent watched the rest will do

  13. I have seen The Dictator and loved it... It's really a well-made one. I may take a look at others... I kind of stay away from Horror stuff. even if it's horror comedy!

  14. I have watched Dictators and found it awesome. Rest of the movies will watch soon. Thanks for recommending the list.

  15. Reubenna I have only watched The Dictator from among this list of dumb movies that are clever.These are nice spoofs actually.I shall probably watch the others too now.

    1. You may like One Cut of the Dead...its the best of all. Thanks for reading.

  16. I have watched the Scary movies till 2010.. Don't know how many came out after that. This list is an intelligent take on dumb movies.

    1. Yes, till then it was good. The last one with Lindsay Lohan was pathetic. I would suggest not to waste your precious time on it.

  17. Wow, this is such an interesting take.. I’ve always avoided these kinds of films too, but now I’m curious to check out your list. Sometimes the most unexpected movies turn out to be surprisingly clever. Can’t wait to see which ones made your list.

    1. I agree, you may try and end up liking a few. Thanks for reading.

  18. Dictator is one of my favorite, it’s actually a sharp satire that critiques the absurdities of autocracy. Sacha Baron Cohen’s exaggerated character provides laughs while also slyly poking at political issues.

    1. Exactly!! No wonder it was hard to accept by certain people at the time of its release, leading to controversies. Bitter truth it was! Thanks for reading.

  19. I've never heard of any of these movies, and at first glance they didnt catch my attention.. but now that you have mentioned that there are layers to the story telling i am intrigued to check them out. Love these lists Reubenna :)

  20. I haven't heard any of these. They seem to be horror based and cleverly executed.

    1. Yes, very stupid and blunt horror film with clever execution

  21. I've only seen The Dictator and Scary Movie from your list. I really like the first one and also enjoyed the second.


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