5 Remakes of Old Movies

Few films have been remade and have won accolades. Some of the films, when remade, have been renamed, while some have been released with the original names. Today, I will list such films that have been remade later and are very popular.

1. I am Legend: This Will Smith starrer is a remake of the 1964 film, The Last Man on Earth.
I have not watched the old movie, so I do not have grounds to compare the both,  but I loved the 2007 remake with Smith as Dr. Neville, a lone survivor after a terrifying zombie apocalypse. Both the films' stories have been adapted from the book I Am Legend by Richard Matheson. After years of trial and error, DR. Neville catches hold of a zombie by himself to test the anecdote of the virus, but he has to sacrifice himself to do so.

2. Road House: Just recently, I watched the newly released remake starring Jake Gyllenhaal. The original film was released in 1989 and had Patrick Swayze playing the role of Dalton, an ex-UFC fighter hired to keep the Roadhouse safe from local goons. I am not a fan of action films, but I watched the remake version only because I wanted to watch Gyllenhaal as an action hero. (after watching his various avatars as a lover boy, psycho killer, twisted-minded teenager, etc) I was a bit disappointed as I did not find the film appealing. I am unsure how the original version was, and I do not have the heart to explore that, too, after knowing the lacklustre story. 

3. The Hills Have Eyes: This is one of the most notorious savage films. I have watched the remake (2006)  and the original (1977). Well, you cannot beat legends like Wes Craven when making a film with despicable, vile characters. I wouldn't say the remade version was not good, but that tension built-up and music lacked the depth of the original version. I watched the remake first and still have come to this conclusion.

4. The Amityville Horror: The remake with Ryan Reynolds was released in 2005. It was a scary film,  based on the actual experiences of the residents of a house at Amityville, after a notorious mass murder had been committed. The original 1977 version felt much realistic and the rawness of the execution made the film more interesting, specially during the scenes where George Lutz was slowly getting possessed by the demonic presence.

5. The Pink Panther: My unpopular opinion, I have liked the 2006 remake version with Steve Martin as Inspector Clouseau, than the original version with Peter Sellers. We can blame it on the makers for that incredible hamburger scene, still fresh in everyone's mind. Although there were plenty of laughable moments in the 1963 version, nothing could beat that one scene (my personal take). 

I have watched a few more horror film remakes, like The Last House on the Left and I Spit on your Grave, but did not want to include those, as both are very disturbing films, and better not watched. Carrie was another another bad remake, that tried to re-explore one of the most well-made horror films, the original one from 1977, with the incredible Sissy Spaceck in the titular role.  I would love to watch the original Korean version of "The Departed", but am a bit sceptical as the remake by Scorsese is such a gem. 


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