5 Rom Coms to Watch Again & Again

 Are there any movies that you would like to watch again and again? There were a few romantic comedy films of the '90s and 2000s that I had repeatedly watched but never got tired of. Today, I will be listing these films.

1. 50 First Dates: How adorable is the chemistry between the 2 lead characters, Henry (Adam Sandler) and Lucy (Drew Barrymore) in this 2004 film. Drew Barrymore's Lucy is cute and lovable, with whom one feels empathy, and Sandler's Henry is equally likeable. Both the actors' equations in the film were to the point. In spite of the repetitive nature of the incidents, the film creates a lasting impression and a pleasant feel.

2. The Ugly Truth: This  2009 film is another example of the sizzling chemistry between its lead pair, Katherine Heigl as Abby and Gerard Butler as Mike. Butler is scorchingly hot, and Heigl is as charming as ever. The 2 ambitious people and their growing bond with some uncomfortable sexual tension are the most memorable moments of the film. Both the actors are outstanding.

3. Something's Gotta Give: When 2 very different people come together, putting all their differences behind them and then gelling like bread and butter, the outcome is tasty.  That's what this 2003 film starring Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton is all about. Both the leads are 2 very unfunny characters, an ageing playboy and an acclaimed dramatist, who start a relationship due to unavoidable circumstances, break apart, move forward, get into new relationships, and ultimately realize that they are meant to be together and then come back. One will love the film for the electrifying performances of the lead pair.

4. Intolerable Cruelty: This 2003 film is about the continued rivalry between a lawyer, Miles (George Clooney) and his client's ex-wife Marilyn (Catherine Zeta-Jones). Both the actors are simply gorgeous and incredibly funny. Their ever-growing hatred, ultimately turning into a sweet romance, is enjoyable. The dialogues are hilarious, and some of the characters in the film are equally funny. 

5. Sweet Home Alabama: Reese Witherspoon plays Melanie in this 2002 rom-com- an ambitious designer who is engaged to the suave and charming Andrew (Patrick Dempsey), but there is a glitch and that is her high school sweetheart and husband, Jake (Josh Lucas). The whole situation is messed up, and she tries to take control of it by going to her hometown in Alabama. However, things do not go her way, but finally, everything ends well. Witherspoon is so good, sometimes she is likeable, sometimes one wants to hate her and sometimes one will feel sorry for her. 


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