5 Movies from 80s-90s We Still Love watching Today

The 80s and 90s were a time period when we were kids and were in school. Of course, we were not aware of and even were forbidden to watch most films other than the ones tagged as family movies. Here are a few amazing films we might have missed during the 80s and 90s when those were released, but we can watch them anytime; they are so good and always relatable.

1. Death Becomes Her (Comedy): This movie is hilarious and brilliantly made, given the time it was released. 2 obsessed women fight for beauty, fame, power and even over one man. The powerful cast of Meryl Streep, Bruce Willis and Goldie Hawn makes rivalry and fight so enjoyable in every shot. The scenes of fighting over petty things and materials, just to prove who's the best, are funny, especially when the man of their interest gets caught in between. This 1992 film is a must-watch for comedy film lovers.

2. Thelma & Louise (Crime/Drama): One of the most famous films of all time, Thelma & Louise was a film way ahead of its time when it was released in 1991. Susan Sarandon and Gina Davis play the titular characters, 2 broken women in search of freedom and happiness all on their own. The striking turns of events show how their innocent adventures turn into criminal offences and enlist as most-wanted outlaws. The iconic last scene has been copied a lot of times in various other movies. 

3. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (Comedy): This 1988 film is one of the funniest con-movies to watch. The pair of Steve Martin and Michael Caine are a laugh riot every time they share screen. 2 conmen hell-bent on defeating each other in conning get caught in a game to con a beautiful and rich damsel by hook or crook. How they get trapped and later absolutely fooled by their target is the main subject of the story. 

4. Ghost (Romance/Comedy): Ghost is one of the most beautiful films ever made. Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore's incredible romantic scenes are still considered to be breathtaking to date. Whoopi Goldberg's comic timing is perfect and every bit worth the Academy Award she won for her performance. The lead pair of the beautiful Demi Moore and the very hot Patrick Swayze of this 1990 film still mesmerizes the audiences.

5. 9 1/2 weeks ( Erotic): Much before 50 Shades of Grey and 365 Days, there was one film that was much more well-made and advanced when it comes to erotica. This 1986 film had Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger in lead roles. The sensuous chemistry between the actors and the incredible scenes of blindfolded frolic with food was one of a kind. Basinger is strikingly attractive in her portrayal of a career woman who falls for someone she knows very little about but whose mysterious and dominating ways make her go crazy. She ultimately realizes that she is destroying her life by letting herself be controlled by someone whose way of showing affection is to treat her like his puppet. Mickey Rourke is very handsome and charming, and it often makes you wonder why the actor chose to take up professional boxing as a profession change, only to ruin that captivating smile forever. The best thing about the film is that the woman is not totally damaged by the man and instead walks away and leaves him. 


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