Top 5 Feel-Good Movies of Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks is one of the most iconic actors of our time. He has been awarded multiple times with prestigious awards for his outstanding performances. He is known to portray characters with utmost perfection and conviction. He is known to own the characters that he plays. His vivid range of work has been recognized worldwide by audiences and critics alike. 

1. Forrest Gump: This 1994 film by Robert Zemeckis is one of the highest-rated films of all time, often making its place at the top of must-watch films. A slow-witted man tells his fascinating story to strangers. It starts from his childhood and continues through his adult years. This film touches on relationships of many forms in various stages of one's life. What is most remarkable is how wonderfully the life experience of a dim-witted man has been projected from his perspective. The bitter complications of life have been dealt with simplicity and innocence through the person's eyes. The film establishes one of its most famous lines, "Life is a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Tom Hanks is so perfect in the film, that when one watches him in other movies or his real self, it is difficult to believe he can be anyone other than Forrest Gump.

2. Catch Me if You Can: When 2 of the most powerful performers come together for a project, you can expect magic. This 2002 biographical film by Stephen Spielberg has Hanks playing an FBI agent chasing an extremely intelligent conman in his teens. Although Leonardo di Caprio, as Frank, the conman, rules the movie with his charisma and charm, no one could have played the brilliant and diligent FBI agent better than Hanks. As an FBI agent, his perspective of chasing a criminal to correcting a youngster was transformed through years of cat-and-mouse game was portrayed with such mastery by the talented actor. 

3. The Terminal: Another Spielberg film from 2004 that had Hanks playing a European traveller, who gets stuck in a JFK airport terminal due to political conflict in his country. His official and travelling documents had been seized, and he had no choice but to wait in the airport for days to get out of the US. The film again captures various ranges of emotions among strangers throughout his stay in the terminal. This extraordinary story is about how a common man fights for his rights and makes friends with strangers with his honesty and firmness and how the terminal becomes his home for months. With his East Europen accent, Tom Hanks is adorable at moments and funny in most parts. He brings out every stage of emotions of an almost lost and forgotten man, finding himself stuck in a strange situation so effortlessly. 

4. Turner and Hooch: Unless and until I watch a movie, I don't judge it through reviews. This 1989 film has never made a mark in critic's eyes. However for me, this is a film I would love to watch with my kid. Tom Hanks plays Detective Turner, a cop with borderline OCD issues who is investigating a murder where the sole witness is the victim's pet dog, Hooch. The film has some very funny moments. Hanks as Det. Turner excels in every frame, and the confusing chemistry between him and his dog buddy is hilarious.

5. You've Got Mail: I consider this 1998 romantic comedy as one of the cutest films, I have ever watched. The movie is from the era when the internet was not that easily accessible, and the concept of online romance was a fresh change for the audience. Two business rivals unknowingly start an online affair. The only sigh of relief in their busy work lives is the notification of a new mail exchange. The movie has Meg Ryan as the leading lady. After Sleepless in Seattle, this was both the actors' 2nd movie as the lead pair, and boy, they did full justice to their roles. We wouldn't have complained if both had come more often onscreen together. 

I would have included Sleepless in Seattle too, but somehow I am a big fan of You've Got Mail and personally love it more. Is there any other film of Tom Hanks that can be included in this list? Let me know. I might have missed.


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