
Showing posts from January, 2024

5 Amazing Films for Kids

In our busy lives, we can hardly give quality time to our kids due to our workload. So, this long weekend, we can try to do that while catching up on some movies with them. I have selected some amazing films that kids can watch and learn something from them too. So, without further ado, here are some films that kids and grown-ups can enjoy with lovely messages. Top 5 Amazing Hindi Movies to Watch with Kids  1. Stanley Ka Dabba:  This 2011 movie, directed by Amol Gupte, is about a small boy, Stanley, who always skips getting the lunchbox at school, and this is noticed by a teacher, who has a habit of eating lunch from the students' tiffin boxes. What happens then, and why Stanley never gets a lunchbox, is what unfolds slowly. The film has several messages wrapped inside, like how important it is to not waste food, the beauty of sharing and kindness. Both Partho Gupte, as Stanley and Amol Gupte as the teacher Babubhai Verma have given such believable performances that not for a while

5 Crazy Films to Watch this Weekend

After a tiresome, hard-working week, we look forward to a weekend to spend our leisure time the way we want to and would love to. For those like me who love to watch exciting movies, here is a list of movies you can watch if you are a fan of creepy movies. Don't get me wrong here; creepy films are by no means limited to our usual gory zombie flicks, sexy slasher shows or even creature features. Here are some movies that actually creep you out of your mind, and you literally grasp to know what the Hell is going on.  1. Vivarium:  This 2019 film, starring Jesse Eisenberg and Imogen Poots, is about a young couple looking for affordable accommodation. Here comes Yonder Homes, a real estate service with a bizarre agent, Martin. The couple Gemma and Tom are trapped inside the Yonder Homes colony, given no choice but to stay in House no.9 and later provided with tasteless artificial food dropped by unknown sources in a box kept every day in front of their house. Afterwards, they are force

5 Psychological Thriller Films to Watch Now

Psychological thriller films are always a darling when you are up for an immediate adrenaline rush. I have had my fair brush with various thriller films, some were quite popular and a few were unsung gems. Today I have listed a few psychological Thriller films that had earned cult status in the audience's hearts, irrespective of their box-office performances. 1. Secret Window: Johny Depp stars in this bizarre 2004 psychological thriller as a mystery writer who is threatened by an unknown man for charges of plagiarism. The man leaves the manuscript hauntingly similar to the writer's story. What follows is a long tale of lies, deceit and strange occurrences. Secret Window may seem a bit tedious during its runtime, but if you are into it and enjoy your thought process to do the storytelling in times of pause and silence, you simply enjoy it.  2.  Identity: Much before the mind-blowing movie called Split happened that showed us the vivid nature of MPD, this 2003 film made a mark of

5 Black & White Classics to Watch this Year

I have watched very few Black and White films, but whatever I have watched to date have been all classics, and I mostly watched these almost 20 years ago. One of my resolutions this year is to re-watch a few black-and-white classics. The ones that I prioritize to watch are:  1. To Kill a Mocking Bird: Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel was turned into an Academy Award film in 1962 by Robert Mulligan. The film stars Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch, a lawyer who believes in modern ideologies of equal rights and fair treatment in the racially discriminating small town of Maycomb. Finch defends an African American named Tom Robinson who is arrested on rape charges of a white woman. Even though Finch successfully tries his best to prove Tom's innocence, the latter is simply proven guilty because of his skin colour, and later is lynched by an angry mob. The film throws light on the absurdities and horrific discrimination that were inflicted upon African Americans at those times.