Ba and Bakul Celebrates Brenda's Birthday in Baroda #BlogchatterBlogHop

Finally, Brenda had completed her project after spending almost 5 months in Mumbai. Now, it was time to return home. But wasn't she missing something? She had taken all the reports she had been collecting throughout her stay. She had shopped cute gifts for her family and friends back home. Then what was it that she was missing out? It was "Ba and Bakul", how could she forget them. They were the most interesting and warm people she had ever met. She had to meet them; yes, she had to. She sent Bakul a Whatssapp message. She would be staying for 4 more days in India. If Ba and Bakul could meet her, it would be the best possible Grand Finale for her trip. Bakul was so excited to hear that Brenda would visit them at Baroda that he immediately made a video call. "Hey, let me mail you the tickets, Brenda. We will be so happy to have you here." His bright smile showed his happiness. "Oh, I will book the ticket. When will it be okay with you?" " Today, to...