TheText Message #WriteAPageADay

I heard the Whatsapp message ping. I was in the hospital, waiting for my turn. The message was from my Mother-in-law. I knew the phone she was using was hers, but the message was from someone else, who mostly gets possession of the device when I am not around. 

So, there comes a GIF. Message of a cat begging for something with a "please". Then there are these words: "Please get me a pack of slimes after my exam." These pleas had been made by the sender earlier, too, and declined every time by me. But that time, it felt different.

Like any other individual, I am a part of many WhatsApp groups. I have learnt and have become acquainted with many ideas, information, and other things from these groups. There are Bibliophile groups, various blog hop groups, Lady's groups, Bengali groups, Art & Culture groups and of course, some exclusively for my daughter. I am glad to be part of these groups and find them very supportive to all members. I keep getting innumerable messages from these groups. So, sometimes, I do not get the opportunity to go through it all. However, a personal message is something that makes one feel good. 

So, this very message from my daughter made me feel special. She was missing me, and I was the only one she had confided in for the one thing she wanted the most. Since I am not going through a very happy phase as far as my health is concerned, with almost daily hospital visits and dressing the surgery wounds, that message only brought joy to my downhill mood at that time. 

This post is part of #WriteAPageADay from Blogchatter


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