Mirror Mirror on the Wall #WriteAPageADay

The bolt of lightning flashes with a loud thunder. It scares me. I can see the branches of the trees shaking violently and trying to smash the windowpanes. I am alarmed and scared...what is she doing now? What time is it there? Is there a storm there, too? Does she know I am thinking of her? The probabilities start to crowd inside my mind. Do I need to call her? What if she is busy?

The rain starts. Huge drops of water begin pouring over the roofs with a constant roar. I look into the mirror, trying to hum to the beats of the water droplets. It sounds like the grief-stricken cry of a little girl.
I can hear her angry voice through it, " I don't want to go there, so far from you. I can study the same course here, too." The mirror in front of me shows her teary-eyed, angry with me. I feel the salt of my tears running down my cheeks onto my lips. Am I selfish to unsee her? 

The rain outside has calmed to a constant clitter-clatter. The wild wind has tamed itself from before. I again look into the mirror. I see her, a bit sad and nervous but hopeful of the immense possibilities ahead of her. I see the excitement and enthusiasm hidden beneath those eyes, clouded by the anxiety of separation from me. She takes her luggage and moves ahead to board her flight. 
Am I selfish to send her?

It's drizzling outside. The water droplets falling on the roof start a symphony with the windchimes in front of the door. It sounds magical. The water droplets falling from the leaves appear like shining diamond drops. I look into the mirror. I see her with the phone, " Mummy, quickly give me the recipe. I am starving. I have scored well, so I deserve a treat for myself." she giggles. I oblige. 
Am I selfish not to be with her?

The rain has stopped outside. The sky has returned to its bluest best. The leaves look fresh and green. I can feel the pleasant wind from the window caressing my hair. The wind chimes sound like a happy little bird enjoying the freshly bathed life outside. I look into the mirror. I see her laughing and enjoying, living her best- posing for a group photo and swinging up the graduation cap she just earned a few moments earlier. 
Am I selfish to miss her?
I look into the mirror again. I ask, "Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the happiest of them all?" And I see me.

This blog post is a part of #WriteAPageADay from Blogchatter


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